Free spirit, love to share and enjoy. Travels a lot, mainly to SE-Asia. Prefers holidays on the beach. Skiing in Italy in the winters. Love cosy intimated places when off from work.Enjoys fine dining and luxury hotels. Wine-lover. Car and motorsports enthusiast. Plays golf when I find the time.A senior sales and marketing professional. Corporate high tec. Master BA.Love the attention of young and vibrant ladies. Support them with advice and love.
Young and vibrant ladies. Still studying or in the start of their career. Like to feel the buzz. You can be a girl or a lady. Love to share experiences together. Shopping, dining, traveling. Support you with advice and love.You are max. 35 y.o. Prefer Brunettes or dark haired beauties. Love natural looking women. The girl next door instead of the influencer type.A naughty mind and open to experiment is a plus.
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